$ 351.99 $ 439.99
This item is the Campaign Box only, does not include the tripod or Flex Easel. The Campaign Box™ is an alternative to the traditional pochade box or French easel. Think of...
$ 36.79 $ 45.99
Upgrade the main compartment of your Campaign Box™ with this neutral gray palette. Neutral gray 9.5" x 14.75" x .12" Acrylic Weighs just under 11 oz. Easy removal from Campaign Box™...
$ 5.00
Extra divider for the second slot in the Campaign Box™. (Note: a divider comes with the Campaign Box™ but there is a second slot where an additional divider can be...
$ 6.39 $ 7.99
Hang a paint rag, brush washer and more off the side of your pochade box or French easel. Lightweight plated steel hook. Works on anything 1/2" or less in thickness...
$ 9.00
Same handle as on the Campaign Box™. Handle (not including hardware) measures 5.375" x .875" x .375". (Screws not included)
$ 1.00
Same hinge used on the Campaign Box™. Measures 1.5" x 1.125" when flat. (Screws not included.)
$ 47.99 $ 59.99
The Campaign Box™ bag is nylon messenger style shoulder bag made to hold the Campaign Box™ with the mount blocks attached, along with painting supplies and other gear. The sides of the bag...
$ 119.99 $ 149.99
New and improved! This tripod-mounted easel is made from extruded aluminum. It is lightweight, sturdy, easy to adjust, and is great for studio or plein air use. New sleek black wings contoured...
$ 20.00
Make your own unique pochade set up to hang off two legs of a tripod. Level or angle your set up depending on how you attach the Campaign Box™ Mount Blocks. After...
$ 19.99 $ 24.99
Dual purpose camera tripod accessory -- a stash for odds and ends while you're painting and a ballast bag for added stability in breezy conditions. Add extra stability No need...