A Guerrilla Painter's Notebook, Vol II


This beautiful softcover Guerrilla Painter Notebook is a compilation of 16 essays - adventures and thoughts while plein air painting. 

From the Introduction:

"Although I often say that I have no intention of persuading anyone to a particular way of painting, this is not entirely true. Actually, I do think there is a right way to paint, and as a matter of fact, only one right way - your own way.

"As Winton Marsalis talks of the importance for musicians to appreciate and draw from the whole of music, so I have profited from trying to appreciate and understand a wide range of painting...the longer I paint, the more I feel a kinship with abstract expressionists, surrealists, minimalists, pop artists, cave painters..."

Includes a three-page fold-out essay of the Panorama painting done from a high ridge on the ranch. Left upper corner is hole punched for hanging on a nail. 
Made in the USA.

The essays in this book are:

  • Limited Palettes
  • Painting Nevada
  • Confessions of a Turncoat
  • Paintings Around Montelimar
  • April Roadtrip
  • Plein Air Palette
  • Rainy Day Chairs
  • In Praise of Small Paintings
  • Money Can't Buy You Love
  • Visits with Hugh and Kay
  • Where to Stick It
  • Fences, Gates and Cattle Guards
  • Painting Buddy
  • Wildflower Rig
  • Panorama

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