Lisa Daria Kennedy

by Sarah Judson December 17, 2012

Lisa Daria Kennedy grew up along the northeast edge of the Hockomock Swamp, south of Boston. After receiving her BA from Roger Williams University in nearby Rhode Island, she attended the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and received her BFA in Illustration. Kennedy has since worked as a product and surface designer. She has recently been appointed Design Editor for the literary publication Mount Hope and is an Assistant Professor in the Illustration department at the Massachusetts College of Art.  As a young cancer survivor, she developed and created the website, The Big C Visual Journal, a website to collect cancer survivor entries, in effort to embody the spirit of the survivors. Since 2009, Kennedy has been committed to an on-going daily painting project in which she creates one small acrylic painting a day. That's more than 1300 paintings! Here is an interview. Many of her lively, semi-abstract paintings are shown, along with her comments. The still-life below is a little more abstract than most, perhaps because it is only 4"x4". Regarding plein air painting vs. using the studio, she says, "I love painting plein air because there’s an engagement with people that is not present when working in the studio. I also enjoy plein air because there is an element of uncertainty. In the studio one can control the lights, setup, weather, but outdoors there are unforeseen variables which make for great stories later on."

Sarah Judson
Sarah Judson


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